Monday, July 18, 2011

"Ang indi matutom sa sini nga tiyempo nagapangayo kamo sang milagro"

Ebanghelyo subong nga Adlaw (Mateo 12:38-42)
May mga manunudlo sang Kasuguan kag mga Pariseo nga nagsiling kay Jesus, "Manunudlo, abi pakitai kami sang isa ka milagro halin sa Dios."

Nagsabat si Jesus sa ila, "Kamo nga mga tawo sa sini nga tiyempo, tama kalaot kag indi matutom sa pagsunod sa Dios. Nagapangayo kamo sang milagro, pero wala sang milagro nga ipakita sa inyo luwas sa milagro nga natabo kay Jonas nga propeta.

Subong nga si Jonas tatlo ka adlaw kag tatlo ka gab-i sa tiyan sang isda, amo man ang matabo sa akon nga Anak sang Tawo. Kay magapabilin ako sa sulod sang tatlo ka adlaw kag tatlo ka gab-i sa idalom sang duta.

Sa adlaw sang paghukom ang mga taga-Ninive mabanhaw kaupod sang mga tawo sa karon nga tiyempo kag basulon nila sila. Kay pagkabati sang mga taga-Ninive sadto sang wali ni Jonas, naghinulsol sila. Karon may yari diri nga labaw pa kay Jonas, pero wala kamo nagbaton sang iya ginatudlo.

Sa adlaw sang paghukom mabanhaw ang Rayna sang Bagatnan upod sang mga tawo sa karon nga tiyempo kag basulon niya sila. Kay naghalin pa siya sa malayo gid nga lugar sa pagpamati sa kaalam ni Haring Solomon. Karon may yari diri nga labaw pa kay Solomon, pero wala kamo nagbaton sang iya ginatudlo.

"Lord Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may grow in wisdom and knowledge of your love and truth. Free me from stubborn pride and wilfulness that I may wholly desire to do what is pleasing to you."
Reflection of the Daily Gospel:
What would the Lord Jesus say about our generation? Jesus gave a rather stern warning to his generation when they demanded a sign from him. It was characteristic of the Jews that they demanded "signs" from God's messengers to authenticate their claims. Jesus faulted them for one thing: spiritual adultery. The image of adultery was often used in the scriptures for describing apostasy or infidelity towards God. When the religious leaders pressed Jesus to give proof for his claims, he says in so many words that he is God's sign and that they need no further evidence from heaven than his own person. The Ninevites recognized God's warning when Jonah spoke to them, and they repented (Jonah 3:5). And the Queen of Sheba recognized God's wisdom in Solomon (1 Kings 10:1-9). Jonah was God's sign and his message was the message of God for the people of Nineveh. Unfortunately the religious leaders were not content to accept the signs right before their eyes. They had rejected the message of John the Baptist and now they reject Jesus as God's Anointed One (Messiah) and they fail to heed his message. Simeon had prophesied at Jesus' birth that he was "destined for the falling and rising of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be opposed so that inner thoughts of many will be revealed" (Luke 2:34- 35). Jesus confirmed his message with many miracles in preparation for the greatest sign of all – his resurrection on the third day.

The Lord Jesus through the gift of his Holy Spirit offers us freedom from sin and ignorance and he gives us wisdom and understanding so that we may grow in knowledge of God and his ways. Do you thirst for God and for the wisdom which comes from above? James the Apostle says that the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, without uncertainty or insincerity (James 3:17). A double-minded person cannot receive this kind of wisdom. If we wish to be wise in God's ways, then we must humble ourselves before him, like attentive students who wish to learn, and submit our heart and mind to his will for our lives. The single of heart and mind desire one thing alone – God who is the source of all wisdom, goodness, truth, and knowledge. Do you wish to be wise and loving as God is wise and loving? Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with the wisdom which comes from above and to free your heart from all that would hinder God's loving action in your life.

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